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Wednesday, 03 July 2019
One of the greatest challenges of our generation is the impact of climate change. All of us face a very stark and simple fact. An increase in temperatures of more than 1.5oC above pre-industrial levels threatens the human dignity of the most vulnerable populations, natural sustainability and the very foundations of societies everywhere.
Across our enterprise the challenge of climate change was recognised early on, and both businesses and philanthropy continue to be committed to being part of the solution. COFRA’s "A Force for Good in the Face of Climate Change: The Solutions Century – Highlights 2018-2019" looks at what is being done across the organisation to mitigate the impact of climate change. You can download the report using the link below.
This publication highlights a number of achievements from the past year. COFRA will endeavour to do more, in how we operate as an apparel retailer, as a real estate investor/manager and as investor in other companies. It’s clear though that the challenges we face are tremendous. And they can be met only by enlightened governments, businesses and philanthropists working together to evolve a coherent and comprehensive climate solution.